Building child-safe communities
Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) is committed to keeping children safe at all our centres of learning.
We adhere to the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards and support the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. Therefore a range of checks and undertakings are required for people who work for or provide services to CSPD. These checks reduce potential risk and form part of our strategy to build child safe communities.
We thank you for the important role you play in supporting the ongoing learning of our students and the opportunities you provide.

Start your training
Building Child Safe Communities (BCSC) Undertaking Form and Training Module for Volunteers and Contractors
The purpose of this module is to inform you of the standards of behaviour and other requirements that must be adhered to when delivering services to children and students
- The Undertaking Form should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and the training module approximately 15 minutes.
- Once the form and training modules are submitted an automated email will be sent to you within 24 hours to confirm the status of your submission.
- The Undertaking Form will expire within 2 years or when your Working With Children Check (WWCC) expires (if applicable), whichever is sooner. At this time you will need to complete the Undertaking Form and training module again. You will receive an automatic reminder email when this occurs.
Start your training

Need to speak to someone?
If you have an enquiry concerning Child Protection or the training modules please send us a message.