Encountering Jesus
The Religious Education (RE) curriculum in the Diocese of Parramatta, titled Encountering Jesus, invites all students to consider how the teachings of Jesus Christ can apply to their lives.
For our Catholic students, RE serves to nurture and enrich their faith. For our students from other religious perspectives, RE aims to help them grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith tradition - a tradition which is based on faith, hope and love.
Encountering Jesus

Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese schools:
Finding the hope that is within
I pray that Encountering Jesus awakens in all young people the desire to make meaning for themselves. May they grow in their sense of human dignity and worth, their appreciation of life, their capacity to question, their ability to give and receive love, and their knowledge of how to live wisely.
Most Reverend Vincent Long OFM Conv DD Bishop of Parramatta
Catholic schools ensure that students come to know Jesus Christ through exploring Catholic Tradition and Teaching in the context of their lived experience. Children and young people are supported to discover the hope that is within, and experience a meaningful and flourishing life.
Finding the hope that is within

Our school leaders and Religious Education teachers across CSPD will do a great job of bringing this curriculum to life in our classrooms and in the hearts and minds of our students. I can assure you that this theologically sound Catholic Religious Education curriculum is high-quality. It has been endorsed by a range of expert theologians, scripture scholars, and Catholic religious education experts.
Jack de Groot - Executive Director of Catholic Schools

Rev Msgr Dr Brendan Daly

Rev Prof Gerard Kelly

Adj Prof Susan Pascoe
Great places to grow in faith and learning
It is in the playground, assemblies and classrooms where every subject contributes to a genuinely religious way of understanding the world. The invitation to meaningful prayer and liturgy, as well as participation in the Sacraments, nurture and give expression to the religious dimension of school life in the context of the Church’s celebration of the liturgical year.
Great places to grow in faith and learning

The work of our dedicated teachers
Our specialist teachers share their faith and example with students making schools great places to grow in faith and learning. Students flourish as they develop specific knowledge, understanding, skills and strong values.
Working together
Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Strong partnerships between home and school support students to grow in faith and learning. Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese recognises parents and carers as each child’s most influential, primary, and essential educators. Our RE curriculum will include parent reflections connected to every learning cycle that parents can access to stay connected with their child’s Religious Education. Working together with families and parishes, schools welcome open communication. Our supportive learning environments provide holistic Catholic education programs for all our students.

A commitment to quality learning
The quality of education in the learning space is enhanced when:
- The relationship between teachers and students is based on respect and care coming from the understanding that we are all made in the image and likeness of God
- Students genuinely learn when challenged to inquire into issues that directly impact their lives and the lives of others
- Students recognise that their learning is owned by them
- Teachers are appropriately qualified and are authentic witnesses to the Gospel message.
A commitment to quality learning

Sharing Our Catholic Tradition
Catholic schools are places of justice, compassion, love and mercy where everyone is welcome.
Social Justice
Catholic education has a long tradition of social teaching, at the centre of which is the dignity of each person and the common good.
RE Accreditation
All teachers who teach Religious Education must be accredited, either by receiving the Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or by receiving Temporary Accreditation to Teach Religious Education.